On another note, my 2012 Making Strides against Breast Cancer ended up being a beautiful day! I walked with my niece and nephew. We did the entire 3 mile walk, and had a lot of fun! Here is one of the pics of the crowd I took. After such hard work I thought
Apparently we didn't get enough walking in, so the fam and I went to a nearby orchard the very next day to get first pick on pumpkins! It was lots of fun, and wayyyy too hot! I'm seriously ready for fall, and it takes to long to get here. It's October and I'm tired of 90 degree temps. I did take some pretty shots of the orchard though. You can see how insanely long the apple aisles are. With a wagon full of pumpkins it took ages to walk the whole way lol
I'm also finishing up my first love story. If you follow me on FB you probably already know that I am working on it and I've only got one chapter left to write. There's no cover for this one yet, and I am still ify on the title I've chosen but I hope its an enjoyable read for everyone.
On top of that I'm still working on Devour. I know a lot of people are patiently awaiting the third book in the series, and I'm working hard to finish it. I want it to be the very best it can be. But, I can firmly say I am 3/4 of the way through the first draft. :o) The story has taken on a life of its own as most of mine tend to do, but I like the way its going. My fingers are still crossed for a December 1st release. It's later than I had originally planned, but I want to give myself enough time to work on it. There are so many processes involved and I don't want to skip any of the important steps.
The good news though is that I am working on some excellent swag. Stuff that I've never personally done before and I hope that by offering something unique it will help draw people to the release event when I have it. In the past I've had trouble with events and I hope that things can go smoothly this time around. That's all for now! I need to get myself a slurpee and get back to the laptop and finish this new book!